The Estate of Affairs
This is an emotional topic and one you may or may not have worked through.
It’s about cleaning out someone’s belongings after they’ve passed.
There are two levels that I’ve personally worked through: with my mother’s passing and with the passing of my clients’ mother’s. Two very different scenarios but with the same thought process:
Did she want me to see this?
Our belongings are very personal to us, as are the reasons why we hold on to things.
Each one of us has secrets, material and otherwise.
Accordingly, when was the last time you checked out your very own stuff?
There are several layers of organization to think about here. How deep do you want to go?
Personally, and to not be a burden on anyone, I’m taking steps to work through my issues and letting go of things that no longer serve me.
So, consider this a PSA of sorts: get cleaning and not only apply Marie Kondo’s theory of only holding on to things that bring you joy, but I dare you to take it one step further:
Will this bring someone else joy?
Our personal belongings are easily divided into three categories; well, at least it’s easy when we’re alive.
Leaving it to your heirs, is another story.
Separate items by thinking of it’s use and give away, throw away, or keep. That’s it.
Nothing is easy, my friends but I only ask that you carefully consider this work.
Working through your things to see what makes sense to you and keeping in mind that doing your own work protects your world.
And, most importantly, give yourself the time that you need and know it’s never too early, but it could quickly be too late.
In caring and consideration,