Best Travel Hack Ever

I was never taught how to pack a bag or suitcase.

My focus? Always making sure I didn’t forget anything. Heaven forbid I didn’t pack the right shoes (see previous post.)

And then, as I evolved in the corporate world, I had to pack “nice” things like a jacket, non-jean pants, and fancy dresses with absolutely, positively no way of not having it wrinkle during the journey.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret that has saved me, my image, and my “nice” things.


Yes, it’s that simple. Covet the dry-cleaning bags that protect your clothes and hold on to them for dear life.

And just like the fire marshal advises: stop, drop and roll. That’s right, roll your clothes.

If your travel bag can handle the length, keep the clothing item on the hanger, with the bag. Lay it down on a flat surface and roll from the bottom-up.

If your bag is not long enough, take your item off the hanger and roll from there.

In fact, roll everything in your suitcase: t-shirts, shorts, pants, all of it. Nothing will wrinkle.

Don’t believe me? Try it.

Just for one night. Roll something and fold something, put some of those extra throw pillows on it for good measure and see what happens the next morning.

I love rolling things as it reminds me of the countless times my Nonna (Italian for grandmother) had me rolling the dough perfectly for gnocchi. Yum. (note to self/all: don’t eat the plastic. It doesn’t look or even taste like gnocchi.)

And, for you over-achievers, here are a few more tips  for you to enjoy.

In love, fashion, and wrinkle-free “nice” things,
